Online Orders

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Nane (*) :
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State (*) :
Town (*) :
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a) Select the products you want to order

b) Complete the number of items in the appropriate box in each category

c) Send your order

d) We advise you for the cost, the method of payment and the most economic and efficient way of shipment.


 Flat "Megalosperma" Beans price   € /kg 

 Giant beans price                              € /kg

  Elephantbeans price                        € /kg                                                        




Flat "Megalosperma" Beans, packing      3 kg :     pieces

Flat "Megalosperma" Beans, packing      5 kg :

Flat "Megalosperma" Beans, packing    20 kg : pieces
Flat "Megalosperma" Beans, packing    40 kg : pieces
Giant Beans                            3 kg : pieces

Giant Beans                            5 kg :

Giant Beans                          25 kg : pieces
Giant Beans                         40 kg : pieces
Elephant Beans                     3 kg : pieces

Elephant Beans                     5 kg :

Elephant Beans                   25 kg : pieces
Elephant Beans                  40 kg : [Field_F3566F64] pieces
Mega Elephant Beans           3 kg : [Field_F7CCFDCC] pieces

Mega Elephant Beans           5 kg :

[Field_2A6A857A] pieces

Mega Elephant Beans         25 kg :

[Field_DEAB1AF9] pieces

Mega Elephant Beans         40 kg :

[Field_36D711A0] pieces



Coloured Elephant Beans                3 kg :

Coloured Elephant Beans                5 kg :      

Coloured Elephant Beans              25 kg :





Our company maintains and processes data in accordance with the GDPR (EE 2016/679) and for as long as it is required to serve its legitimate interest or obligation and to establish, exercise or support legal claims.

Type in the code shown below:


address-icon Leykonas Prespon Florinas PS Code 53077
orders-icon orders: 697 81.82.300
phine-icon 2310 922722
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